Monday, August 19, 2013

Daily hot topics.---ONION (post no.115).

Just be in touch with the daily news items on TV and newspapers.....In June, July the Kedarnath havoc made the news and left scars in thousands of people. If u were lucky enough to catch some of the photos of that calamity, u cud contact the newspapers/TV channels to get your photo published, as there were lots of pix taken by people suffered by their mobiles and they made great news all around. If somebody was helped by seeing ur photographs, they wud hv been most obliged to u, giving them a new lease of life.

2. Now the news reigns is of 'onion', which is making it difficult for ruling party to answer to people for its price hike. In 1998, Atal Bihari Vajpai got the negative mendate from people in election on this small piece of daily consumption by rich and the poor, as the rate unfortunately touched Rs.100/- per kg. The time has also come for the congress govt as it is unable to check the rising prices of this small item which has gone upto Rs.80/-.....This is also a matter of photo-journalism, to awake the people and understand their rights. Your pix of ''pyaz'' (onion), taken in different ways may give u opportunity to get them published in newspapers. The people's reaction wud be tremendous.

3. I have shot the above pic of pyaz being played as a sports ball by a housewife......The idea behind this is that the onion will be available in 'sports' shops rather than in 'vegetable' shops and will be helpful to pass time by playing with it, So keep ears alert and eyes sharp daily with camera ready to shoot general shots as well as conceived ones, which will give more creativity to ur thinking and a demand from newspapers editors, once u become popular with a bit of original thinking.

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