Sunday, August 20, 2017

LOW & HIGH KEY no.219.

-----------------------DAYLIGHT FOR HIGH KEY AND LOW-KEY PORTRAITS..------------------

-----for low kwy and middle key portraits, diffused daylight is the best as it is soft too. For such light, early morning or late afternoon sun is ideal for portraiture. Sunlight should fall on the face either at an angle or from one side to produce  a satisfactory low-key portrait. The background should be a plain light colored distempered wall, an open doorway, a plain curtain or even the blue sky, but always keep your model  at a long distance from it. Further, make the portrait at a larger aperture so that the background will be out of focus and at the same time  there will be a good separation between the model and the background.

----For high key and middle key portraits the shade of the verandah with a white wall as background  and bright sunshine outside is most suitable. Thia will provide a shadowless soft lighting for the well as for the background.

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